The Catechism Study

Sponsored by the Brotherhood of Catholic Men

Join us as each day we review one paragraph from our Catholic Catechism in greater depth. Once a week, we send out an email with the paragraph assigned for each day of the coming week. Along with the Catechism text, we include the related footnotes, and/or relevant materials to that section along with questions to stimulate personal reflection. The group is available for Catechism questions or comments but there is no requirement to share your reflections. You can start or stop at any time. Together though we will grow in our knowledge and understanding of the whole of our professed beliefs.  Just click the button below if you would like to join.

Catechism Study Group Signup Form


The Brotherhood of Catholic Men invites everyone to pray for our Priests and Bishops to grow in holiness through the intercession of Our Holy Mother Mary.

Read the Catholic Virginian article about the Miracles of the Eucharist Display

at Holy Name of Mary. ARTICLE LINK

Contact us for help in getting a display set up in your own parish. Email Contact


What a beautiful night of Praise, Promise and Prayer! Thanks to all who came out and joined us.

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